If you listed Sparta for sale - how would you describe it?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by High Street, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. High Street

    High Street Member

    Seriously guys. Let's pretend the WSRC isn't doing any better. Pretend a little that you are the real estate agent. How would you describe the WSRC property in your ad?
  2. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    For Sale.
    50 million or best offer.
    Purchaser has 90 days to move to a new location.
    It is being sold lock,stock.and barrel..
    Discount if Purchaser agrees to relocate to Vandalia Ohio.
    Make check payable to: Rod Blago..
    wpt, hinerman and Family Guy like this.
  3. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    For Sale
    A large facility in Sparta Illinois that would make a nice location for an Elite Golf Course, far from any Racial activities, and loads of places for Bunkers,
    nice facility for Ready made Golf Professionals to make course easier than any Course ever built. Has machinery that can be sold to recoup costs.
    Location has been bragged the best Location in Illinois History. Very nice clubhouse w/ Restraunt and Stocked Bar. Where else can you get such a facility for a mere $50 Million Dollars. Electricity and Sewage facilities are already Installed. Nice roads to and from the facility, professionally Built to High Standards by Lynn Gypson, He even has a Commercial Facility on site, And Numerous Pro Shops available on Site. Even comes w/lakes for fishing, State Employed Grounds Keepers
    40 miles from Airports, Major Airports are within 150 miles. Enough room for an Airstrip on Premesis.
    Roger Coveleskie and hinerman like this.
  4. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame


    A location as nice as you have described would make a very nice place to put the home grounds for the ATA. Is there room for a HOF building? Maybe we can get the ATA to commit to purchase the place at an inflated price and make some money on it. We only need a straw purchaser and a dummy corp. to seal the deal. Do you know anyone experienced in this type of deal? Roger C.
  5. hinerman

    hinerman Active Member

    For Sale: Ideal location for private prison(s). Local supply of corrupt politicians, vagrants, EC members, and sex offenders.
  6. tarpmaker

    tarpmaker Well-Known Member

    Dude ranch....stable included. Best Offer

    wpt, History Seeker and dr.longshot like this.
  7. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    For Sale....SPARTA LAND

    The home of the only living WHITE ELEPHANT in the United States.
    wpt and dr.longshot like this.
  8. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Yes I would 2012 PLL could PULL it OFF
    History Seeker likes this.
  9. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Tarpmaker, Flyer, and Doc,

    You guys are too funny !!!

    After my mouth full of coffee just went all over my keyboard, I guess you may need to send me a new one...LOL

    That was GREAT !!!
  10. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Sorry to hear about the keyboard. I think I can help you out.

    First I have to find someone to buy the slightly used one I have for $1.00. Then they can sell it to you for $15.00.
    History Seeker likes this.
  11. GOLDEN

    GOLDEN Member

    Strip mined land near East St. Louis ideal for chapter 8 buildings. Included with property is a horse barn full of relics. Gov't assistance available for mold issues.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  12. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    FOR SALE: Great investment property for those that want to register a lose on the investments for tax purposes. Insufficient hotels / motels for any major outings. Listed with extras electric bill (past due ) must be paid before you are able to do anything. Call L. Gipson for pricing.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  13. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    For Sale at Auction:

    Large facility that has been closed, open, closed, open, MOU1, MOU2, with new lease, now old lease, with a worse lease being negotiated. Great facility looking for an April fool again. This will be sold at auction. Highest bid pending approval by Pull 2012.

    Buyer does not have to be an ATA member but resale to the ATA at an inflated price is possible.

    Businesses not required to register with the State of Illinois to buy or sell this property, as long as the forum American Trapshooter does not know. Good luck with that part.
  14. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I have to re post because the ATA does not own the facility, just the Horse Barn, Those with Items in the Barn should retrieve them while they still can.

    For Sale: Horse barn Style of building, would make a good place for 4H, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or a Police Barracks. Best Offer

  15. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian


    The ATA doesn't even own the horse barn...

    The THOF GAVE it to the State of Illinois when they wrote the lease proposal !!!

    My guess is they thought they owed the State a bit of gratitude, so slipped this building to them without the donators knowledge...

    At least that is my take on it.

    HB would have the real scoop on this
  16. overhandicapped34

    overhandicapped34 Active Member

    Property described as peaceful, serene, and downright lonely.