ATA Paid salaries of $1,051,714 in 2013 These are a lot of salaries & benefits ATA paid salaries of $1,108,670 in 2014 Total expenses in 2013 were $3,233,273 in 2013 Does anyone know how much Internet & programming costs, they are un-believable and continuing Total expenses in 2014 were $3,587,841 in 2014 Gary Bryant................................Dr.longshot
Roger I am trying to bring up the full report, having problems with my TWC E-mail provider GB..................DLS
Roger Covelski: Revenue from the IRS 990 Contributions $14,256 2014 $13,550 2013 Program Svc Revenue $3,528,116 2014 $3,413,183 2013 Investment income $539,758 2014 $631,266 2013 Other Revenue $220,184 2014 $115,075 2013 Total Revenue $1,108,670 2014 $1,051,714 3013 Number of voting members 57 Total employees 391 Volunteers 134 GB..........................DLS Here is the link to the ATA's form 990.
That was not a typo, it is as listed on the ATA Financial statement, to me it looks like a corrupt cover up, thanks for bringing it to my attention, Roger I sent the E-mail of the financial statement to be posted by Joe Moderator, just wait a few minutes it will be up along w/the IRS form 990, if you notice there is 2 filings one for ATA, and one for WTAA, as a 501(C7) and a 501 (C3) GB.....................DLS
I could not get the files to open up Doc. A qualified CPA should look at that line. It is suspect. Roger C.
Gary, your post with the numbers that Roger questioned states they are taken from the 990, not the financials. Line 12 of the 990 is Total Revenue for 2014 is $4,297,314. What line did your Total Revenue numbers come from? Roger, if you still can't open the files you can see the 990 by clicking on the link I posted. It's the same document that is attached to the thread.
Man, some people should not be allowed to post financial information when they cannot seem to ever state it properly. How the heck can total revenue be less than program services revenue? Then, when called on the error, blindly state that your post was correct and state that a cover-up is going on? It gets tiring. You simply screwed-up and instead of checking your work you make more accusations?
To avoid another cover-up accusation, the second organization (the 501c7) referenced by Doc above is actually the old ATA entity that is still in existence until Vandalia clean-up issues are totally cleared up.
The financial report is a different document than the IRS 990 The numbers are related to certain factors, not totals, there is a lot of differention, you ought to read the numbers of what was spent by EC & CHC those numbers are staggering, you have to go to 3 pages to get totals $93,738 it does not cover the BOD. it states only expenses by EC & CHC. GB.......................DLS
BAT: POST the complete ATA financial report, so we can all see the numbers, I have both w/IRS990 Financial report says WTA & ATA filings. Sale Of Targets $1,287,196 Cost Of Targets $328,354 profit from target sales $958,742 You have to look to come up with actual numbers, but here is one item I believe we are now WORLD TRAPSHOOTING ASSOCIATION Correct me If I am wrong on this, and prove it. GB.......................DLS
Travel expenses for the EC & CHC just for Grand American was $76,666 Vandalia Property sale June 2005, completed in 2013 w,final cost $8,160 2013, 2014 $-0- finalized completion of agrrement GB........................DLS
Gary, you posted numbers from the 990, made a mistake, which we all do, but then when challenged on it you insinuated your figures were correct and that it looked like a cover-up. That's where my issue with you lies. Just admit your posting that the 990 reported "Total Revenue $1,108,670 2014 $1,051,714 3013" was your error. You made a mistake and posted the amount of wages and other compensation from the 990, and called it total revenue. Your error was not a big deal, its your response when called on your error that is mystifying.
Doc, For many, many years we have had two organizations: the current organization we all belong to, which is the ATA (a 501c3), and the ATAA (the old ATA 501c7) that is remaining in existence until Vandalia environmental issues are settled. I know there was a proposal to change the name of the current ATA to World Trapshooting Association, but my understanding was it was not adopted. I haven't looked at the financial statements so I cannot tell what you are referring to.
Doc, you said...."I have both w/IRS990 Financial report says WTA & ATA filings." I'm having trouble understanding that sentence? Are you saying you have a 990 filing titled WTA? I'd be surprised, but willing to see it. Or are you saying you have two sets of financial statements, one for the WTA? That doesn't sound right either, since the ATA has in the past presented consolidated financial statements, which means ATA and ATAA combined into single statements. They do seem to have poor control over the name of the entity presented on their 990, switching back and forth between ATA and ATAA over recent years. That would be a pretty big error by the preparer if he used WTA on a 990 that did not really exist?
Bat ... are you interested in a reply ???? You have post 24, 25, and now 26. It looks like your making statements and not asking questions in quest of an answer. Say want you want to say, and ask what you want to ask ... But your using "Doc" as a platform in serial posts, makes your posts and his look equal.
Doc, I fully understand the difference between the 990 and the financial statements. My original point to you was you stated your numbers came from the 990 and I was asking what line your questionable revenue numbers came from. With regard to the travel expenses for the Grand you've added two numbers together that shouldn't be. Page 20 is the summary of the Grand American revenue and expenses. It shows travel expenses of $52,124. Page 21 is a Schedule of travel expenses for the year. $41,614 is attributed toward the Grand. If you add those two numbers together you get the $93,738 you show. But that's not correct. The itemized list is already included in the total. It would appear that the total travel expenses for the EC/ED are $47,671. But then there is the note that travel to any satellite grand is not included as those expenses are reimbursed by the host club. is there a point to this comment?
Didn't mean to annoy you User 1. I would have included all of it in a single post but can't edit after a period of time. Was I looking for a reply? Well, the first obviously no, that one is telling Gary his earlier post about revenues and a cover-up was wrong, which Roger C then was also questioning. The second was providing some info about the 501c3 and 501c7 entities he was asking about. The third, yes, I asked him a direct question wondering if he had WTA financial statements or a WTA 990, its hard to differentiate financial statements v. 990s in Gary's post?
"Annoy" me ... no, but thanks for the thought. "Gary"/"Doc" probably needs more guidance than critique, but, everyone has to do what they feel is best.
Roger send your e-mail address to me at and I will send you the ATA financial statement to you from my download GB.............DLS