1st- Net income from all operating & investments was $128,645 for the first 9 mos of 2015 versus the same time period in 2014 $1,174,579 which is a loss of $1,045,034. 2nd Actual revenues from investments activities for the first 9 mos of 2015 were a profit of $71,213 compared to the same 9 mos period in 2014 $1,037,543 was down $966,330 3rd net income from investments activities was $60,788 or $314,212 less than budget of $375,000 which is a loss of $314,212 for 2016 The ATA is going down hill 4th If it were not for AIM and SCTP increased membership of 29,900 from March 2015 to May 2015 the ATA would have lost more money. These are the ATA Figures not mine. Gary Bryant..................Dr.longshot
The AIM and SCTP added to GAH Week attendance making it look better than it really was. GB.................DLS
The term Over budget means it cost more than anticipated, (a loss) legal fees for one was over $21,256 GB................DLS
Line 318-319 "excluding investment activities, net income from general and administrative operating activities was $67,858 which was $16,968 higher than the net budget of $50,890." So to the extent of the Net Income that is not investment driven, they did better than expected in the 9 months of the report. Much of the increase was due to the SCTP dues. I believe there was a net effect of +$15,000 ($27,000 in dues less $12,000 sent back to the SCTP). Yes, when you add the investment activity to the numbers 2015 looks really bad compared to 2014. But keep in mind, there was a full quarter of investment activity yet to factor in. Maybe it came back a little. The SCTP championships were in July. Has nothing to do with the Grand weeks. Did some new SCTP kids shoot the grand. Maybe, Maybe not. Only in the context of expenses obviously. If you are over budget in revenue you took in more money than anticipated. And, being over budget in either revenue or expenses doesn't really mean anything. It's only part of the equation. If your expenses are all variable in relation to revenue you can be over budget in every category and still have a higher net income due to increased (over budget) revenues.
Gary, "over budget" means results were greater than estimated for budget purposes. If a revenue item is "over budget", that means you received more money than you expected. If an expense item is over budget, the reverse is true. The reason for the huge differences you seem to be trying to understand is that there are large unrealized losses on the investment portfolio this year, compared to gains last year. Unfortunately, this happens. Note they have not sold these investments for a loss, just the value of the holdings is down compared to last year. Remember, revenues don't necessarily mean investment gains or losses. Revenue is the proceeds of a security sale regardless of what you paid for it. If you don't sell any securities, you have no revenue, even though you could have large, unrealized, gains or losses.