Vote - Top Agenda Item for ATA Executive Committee

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by merlo, Dec 18, 2015.


What was the number one item of concern at the winter executive meeting?

  1. Telling Gipson to chill out on the "fantastic direction" quotes.

  2. Who was contacted by the Attorney General's Office?

  3. What is co-mingled funds?

  4. Is there a way to stop the site?

  5. How is felon Blagojevich doing? Do they have running water in prison?

  6. Where is Punkin Flock?

  7. There aren't any snitches here? Who signed the confidentiality agreement?

  8. Why did Sparta fail?

  9. What is with all the Freedom of Information requests?

  10. Pull 2012 ?

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  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    In the absence of any news from the executive committee we are left to speculate at to what the top item may have been at the EC meeting. We would know more if we had delegates that actually gave a rat's ass but such is the way of the ATA and we again can only guess what this group was thinking.

    We may have a few clues.
  2. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I would change "Who was contacted by the Attorney General's Office?" to " Who HAS contacted the Attorney General's Office ?"

    And add these ... "How can we make the "ATA" pay for our Attorney(s) to stay out of jail ???"

    "Will it be a conflict of interest if PULL 2016 LLC buys shares of Kool-Aid to profit from the new Sparta or bust flavor, soon to be released after the "red-line" was ignored ???"
  3. duffkjs06

    duffkjs06 Mega Poster

    How was the "red line" ignored? If the state didn't agree to the terms of the lease agreement by that date, they are in default of the agreement, and the ATA is now free from the lease. So the "red line" date, did exactly what is was supposed to do.

    All the state has to do is say the Grand will be held there on the prescribed dates, I don't know why people are so concerned.
  4. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    The State of Illinois announced that it is closing the complex indefinitely. That announcement in itself interfered with the normal business operations of the ATA. That prompted the ATA to have Gipson write a notice of alleged default to the ATA.

    There were many threads on this site stating that the State of Illinois was in default.

    Please see the Gipson letter thread on

    I do not know how to make it clearer.
  5. duffkjs06

    duffkjs06 Mega Poster

    Isn't that what I wrote?
  6. Kiehl

    Kiehl Well-Known Member

    I haven't heard news that the ATA has made a move. Looks to me like they are staying at Sparta. No one cares about the red line.
  7. hinerman

    hinerman Active Member

    The minutes will be special.
  8. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian Still has a header that says the 2016 Grand American WILL be shot at Sparta...

    They must know, as they are our trusted leaders.
  9. FlaLagarto

    FlaLagarto Active Member

    I reserved my vend spot.. so I'm going
  10. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    Lucky you. Reportedly none of the other vendors have received their lease agreement. Could you post yours?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  11. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I sincerely hope there is a grand in Sparta in 2016 for the sake of those who attend, I have talked to one person who has committed to a spot for 2016 out of over a dozen and most of them had 10 year leases ... I have some doubts due to the financial situation the State of Illinois is in, but again contend anything can and usually does happen in the State of Confusion (Illinois) ... If the budget talks carry on until April as seems to be the new target date (month) it will not give a lot of time to pull things together and make arrangements for those who will attend ... If the numbers are down its less incentive for most of the vendors and big dogs to get big pay checks , have to see what happens ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  12. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    Unable to find that lease? Lot of that going around. lol :(:(:(:(:)
  13. oldphart

    oldphart Mega Poster Founding Member

    Why would you need to see a copy of his lease is not his word good enough? he goes to all the major shoots why would he not go to the Grand in Sparta if it is held. I don't think he would have a reason to not tell the truth. Just my opinion.
  14. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    It would prove the other vendors that said they have not rec'd a lease are not telling the truth. You don't think they have a reason to not tell the truth. Just my opinion. Not that facts are important.

    I am betting we wont see the lease right away.
  15. FlaLagarto

    FlaLagarto Active Member

    Fargo2, I have no idea who you are. Unless your offering to pay my bills and taxes, I see no reason to show you anything to do with my personal business. I also think it's pretty rude of you to ask.

    See you in Sparta.. well I will if you're really a trap shooter and have guts enough to introduce yourself.
  16. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    Not to question your sincerity it is just strange that several have called the IDNR and they don't seem to be giving vendor leases out yet. As per IDNR there aren't even any shoots on the schedule. But you have a lease.