I think it's fair to say a good majority of ATA members know hardly anything about how our system of governing works. Does PITA treat their officers in the same manner as does ATA? Reimburse expenses for attending major shoots and awarding a new gun for services rendered to a retiring President for their service? Are there any conflicts of interest in PITA shoot trophies that MUST be purchased from certain company's? Any closed door meetings the members shouldn't have access to or knowledge of? I feel that greed and egos have been detrimental to our sport of ATA registered shooting and not the process. Our elections are nothing more than popularity contests beginning at our state shoots. It continues all the way to our President through our EC and the progressive system. We sure need more Elmer Shaners to run the gauntlet of governing (delegates) wanting what's best for our sport than what the benefits might be for personal egos or greed of an individual. HAP
Hap..... To answer a few of your questions: NO the PITA does not treat their officers the same as the ATA. The ENTIRE EC is volunteer only. No reimbursement expenses for anyone, for anything. The ONLY paid staff member is Sue Brewer, the executive secretary. No new gun for anybody. There are no conflicts of interest regarding shoot trophies for the Grand. The trophy committee is made up of several different shooters, and, in all fairness, the trophies are from many various vendors. No one is given the entire package, to my knowledge. The EC tries to spread out the package so as many vendors as possible get a piece of the pie, so to speak. In my 40+ years as a member, I know of no closed door meetings that have taken place. Any, and all meetings are open to the membership, and all members have access to them if they choose to attend. The PITA EC and delegates are made up of volunteers that only want what is best for the shooters, and best for the PITA, AS A WHOLE. If it's not good for the membership, it's not good for the PITA. That is what makes the PITA what it is. Every member has ownership of the organization, and their concerns are listened to and acted on accordingly. There is no greed, or egos involved. Since there is no money involved by being on the EC, no gun awarded, no back door deals, etc. there is no need to be greedy..... In short; the PITA wants what is best for the sport of trapshooting, not what's best for themselves. Is the PITA the cure-all for what's ailing trapshooting today? Probably not, but, it is, in my opinion, the very best trapshooting organization there is when it comes to being member run.....
The PITA is not Manna from heaven guys. I guess the grass always looks greener on the next hill? I think that the PITA is a little different, in that They basically have one paid employee, (executive Secretary). Her name is Sue Brewer, and She will be retiring after this next season. She will be sorely missed, as she does a super job. Everyone else is a volunteer. I have never heard of any gifts, but am not that close to the hierarchy of the management. Trust Me, when I say, these folks aren't doing this, because it pays so good. They are doing it for the love of the sport, and just trying to benefit the shooters of the organization. The PITA is much smaller than the ATA. I think this lends itself well to a tight-knit organization, where there is a lot of comaderie between the shooters. There have been a few petty snags, that were pretty trivial. I think that all groups have these. I heard a good joke the other day, an oldie, but a goodie. Whats the difference between a puppy and a trapshooter? A puppy grows up and quits whining! Well got to get ready for a Christmas shoot at a neighboring club today, and Our club hosts one tomorrow. Shoule be a lot of fun! Merry Christmas! P.S. Sorry All , Mr. Thome and I must have been typing a post at the same time, and when I posted Mine, it ended up basically saying the same thing, as what He said.
I imagine the EC, ED, and some of the BOD could get involved with the PITA and make a mess out of it in a damn quick hurry ... There was always the chest beaters who claimed the ATA 's people were volunteers until a few got called on it a few times and all of a sudden the flood gates opened up ... There is not one person on the EC, the ED or any of the BOD who deserve to be compensated for anything they do ... The ED already gets paid a healthy pay check ($116,000 + annually) for talking about "fantastic directions" and telling the State of Illinois how much money the WSRC generates , more or less telling them the Auditors are all wrong ... The troubles the ATA are haunted by were created by the EC , ED, and some of the BOD picking the members pockets every chance they get ... There is no doubt the PITA will be expanding to what degree is anybody's guess, hope they blanket all of the clubs in Arizona, so I can start shooting again ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Casa Grand, Has the PITA state shoot every year in the spring. Very few AZ shooters attend. Go on their web and get the dates. Roger C.
Sockeye your reference implying that those that now have a venue to express their opinions about the sport they love are whiners is pitiful. It reminds me of the H1N1 posts where he seemed to brag about knowing the EC members and that they are only responsible to the corporation and not the interests of the trapshooters. How many other organizations made backroom deals with felon Blagojevich to put their headquarters and flagship shoot in a gun hate state? What other orgs have a group like 2012 pull to help out with relocation? What other orgs paid for a survey of the members and then ignored them? Feel free to answer. If these people are just whiners then why do they care so much about the future of their sport?
What other group asked for money to find out the results of 30 yard targets, and did not give a test for 44 degree angle 27 yard, 50-52 yard targets, like N1H1 wants on his deal. He is absolutely a money spender of membership money. Gary Bryant..........................Dr.longhshot
Family guy, I am not talking about the folks on this website. I was refering to the occasional shooter that has shown up at some of the various clubs that I attend. These folks have never bothered to volunteer any labor to help the various clubs put on the many tournaments, and events that make this sport fun. Yet, some of these shooters, are chronic complainers about pretty much everything. My favorite comment/whine was something My wife overhead at the Oregon state shoot, "the targets are too shiny". This is the type of context that I was referring to in My earlier post. Merry Cristmas!
Sockeye......this all goes to the op title. This forum and members have been kicked around for fighting the good fight if there is one. Who could imagine an org so invested in strange activities for so long and only recently criticized.