Down to the wire on the December 15 deadline which probably will precede the next red line. There were other dates that left as well. If the ATA takes the hint and leaves Sparta then what happens to Lynn Gipson? Do we pay him to go wherever the big shoot goes? Someone has to meet the media and proclaim a new "fantastic direction." Or not?
I have to believe ( sincerely hope ) that Lynn Gipson is nothing more than a talking head and says what he is told to say as a representative of the ATA by the EC and or some of the BOD because nobody puts any merit on what he has said in the past ... I got a feeling he chokes on it when he has to tell everyone about the "Fantastic Direction" and how well thing are going, not to mention how great things were headed when the State stopped all progress by pulling the plug to stop the bleeding and to stop adding to the States deficit as it has for the past 11 years ... Unless he all of a sudden went brain dead, I seriously doubt he believes anything he says anymore than anyone else does based on all that has happened or not happened since the WSRC was shuttered by the Governor of the State of Illinois after another great showing at the grand 2015 ... It truly seems like less people care everyday if there is ever another grand let alone where it might be ... The local clubs seem to keep plugging along and are keeping the shooters happy shooting games and or a few rounds with friends in the mean time ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
The Up Dates from the Illinois Governors web site says there is very little progress in the budget talks and as of now nothing has changed, been altered, or modified ... They had a 90 minute meeting and not even a tug of war on any of the issues that are pressing to the residents of the State of Illinois ... The E D ( ATA) had better advise the State that they better shit or get off of the pot or he will take the Fantastic Direction and get out of town and on to greener pastures and they will not be subject to the financial loss (deficit) being added to for another year ... The State slammed the door on shooters being able to buy shells at Wal Mart without the purchase of a hunting license so there will probably not be the inventory they have had on hand for the past few years if by chance the grand does magically reappear in Sparta, Ill ( Home of the ATA's HOF) ... Those shooting residents of Sparta will not be happy and probably will not show up if they have to drive all the way out of town to attend but you never know, you know ..? WPT ... (YAC) ...
The ATA has already exercised the right to "shit or get off the pot", that is what the Dec 15th deadline is for. The state doesn't have to come to a resolution on the state budget, they just have to agree to let the Grand be there.
Gee Duff and I agree on something. Duff-- You are right! You win! The facility could be open for 2 weeks. The trend will continue. Fewer and fewer attending. The SCTP would realize they have been tossed under the bus as per username "cfandg" post. Again Duff you are right. The Cardinal Center will put in close to 20 skeet fields. The SCTP nationals, SCTP Collegiate Nationals, and an SCTP regional shoot will be at the CC. The U.S. Open will be scrapped. Thrown under the bus by the ATA. Most go to the Buckeye Classic on that week. And with the new skeet fields at the CC there will be skeeter tournaments. The ATA HOF will still be open but will remain empty. The museum at the CC will grow. Great idea Duff. Have'em keep it open 3 weeks a year. Great idea.
Sorry Guy, I'm just pointing out the facts of what the deadline date means. You are correct, I am right. Notice my post didn't suggest or forward any opinion, just what the deadline date means. The CC can do whatever they want. The facts of where the ATA Grand will be held remains the same. Please continue your unsolicited rant.
Duffksjs06:I think we are in a wait and see mode right now. In-action is a lot of action. Gary Bryant..........................Dr.longshot