LTB Blued k80 receiver

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Lee Gardner, Jul 5, 2023.

  1. Lee Gardner

    Lee Gardner Active Member

    let me know if you might have a blued K80 receiver. I would really enjoy owning one thanks Lee
  2. Wayne J

    Wayne J Mega Poster

    I have a blued Bavaria, but have always lusted for a Gold Super Scroll.[​IMG]
  3. Steve moore

    Steve moore Member

    What do you value your blued Bavaria receiver at ?
  4. Lee Gardner

    Lee Gardner Active Member

    In be interested if you wanted to part with it
  5. Wayne J

    Wayne J Mega Poster

    If/when I come upon a reasonable deal on a Gold SS set I will let it go. Meanwhile it is my every day shooter.
  6. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

    Just my .02, why not find a receiver with condition issues and blue it. If done through Krieghoff international they do an annual along with the bluing and it’s very reasonable
  7. Wayne J

    Wayne J Mega Poster

    That is exactly how this one came about.
  8. Lee Gardner

    Lee Gardner Active Member

    I’m certainly not opposed to it! There are a few used actions out there but no deals for sure. With what I am seeing that’s availability, I would be better off buying a complete shotgun and keeping the parts I need and discounting the parts I don’t need.
  9. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

    Yeah I have 12 currently. The price increase isn’t helping keep used value down