For sale 2 single leather clip on box holders and 1- 4 box leather carrier, SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Gia1, Mar 16, 2023.

  1. Gia1

    Gia1 Mega Poster

    20230316_122940.jpg 20230316_122940.jpg 20230316_122952.jpg 2 single belt clip 12 ga leather box holders ( was a double box holder cut to make 2 singles.)
    4 box leather carrier was never used,
    $75.00 shipped for all three.
    PM if interested or questions
  2. mellowone

    mellowone Active Member

    Is it possible to get more pictures?
  3. Gia1

    Gia1 Mega Poster

    I'm home now so let me know what pictures you would like to see. Thx
  4. Gia1

    Gia1 Mega Poster

    Added pictures 20230318_153040.jpg 20230318_153040.jpg 20230318_153355.jpg 20230318_153409.jpg
  5. Peter Farrand

    Peter Farrand Active Member

    I'll take it, pm inbound
  6. Gia1

    Gia1 Mega Poster

    PM answered Saturday stating where to send funds. As of tonight Monday 5:30 p.m. NO RESPONSE FROM PETER FARRAND about sending funds from his PM.
    Therefore disregard the "I'll take it" the 3 items are for sale. The leather 4 box carrier cost is $70 so your getting the 2 single box shell carriers for free and I'm paying the shipping. The first to PM to purchase as of 5:42 Pacific time today and later will get them. Peter Farrand is welcome to PM again but needs to be the first to PM.
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  7. Gia1

    Gia1 Mega Poster

  8. Johnsonx

    Johnsonx Member

    I’ll take it. PM sent
  9. Gia1

    Gia1 Mega Poster

    Sold pending funds
  10. Gia1

    Gia1 Mega Poster

    Sold please remove