WTB shell catcher for Winchester Super X-1 & 1100.

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Buckshot60vette, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. WTB she’ll catcher for 1100 & SX-1.
  2. Sgoose

    Sgoose Mega Poster Founding Member

    Will sell you a shell catcher for a Supper x 1 butt the shell catcher come with a Supper X1 ha.
  3. ovaljack

    ovaljack Mega Poster

    I have a couple new TS 1100T shell catchers and a used SX-1 catcher and modified bolt handle to make it work, also I have a Brichwood Casey "stick on" shell catcher not to mention several TS A391's and a TS AL2. what you offering, or any SX-1 barrels to trade? Andy
  4. I would pay cash for the new TS 1100T catchers (both), the used SX catcher & your modified bolt. You name a fair price & we have a deal.
  5. I would offer cash for both 1100 TS1100T & the SX with modified bolt. You name a fair price & we have a deal?
  6. ovaljack

    ovaljack Mega Poster

    make me a fair offer, you have been looking and their not available... Andy
  7. Sgoose

    Sgoose Mega Poster Founding Member

    They have shell deflector at MWG Code: USR146SX1 part number for 19.95.
  8. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Still have to bend over and pick them up but you don't have to walk too far.
  9. Thanks, I did order a couple but still looking for a couple for the 1100 & maybe the stick on as well.
  10. fireman41

    fireman41 Mega Poster

    i have 1100t catcher i will give to you just pm me your address
    Flyersarebest and Duke2005 like this.