Perazzi stocks-tmx,tm1...SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Hard shot, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. Hard shot

    Hard shot Member

    Got these in a deal I made,selling both together as one lot,asking 450.00 delivered.
    They are from tmx, or so I am told they will also fit tm1.
    Top one looks to have the side of stock/comb sanded a little for more offset,right handed and may have been shortened.
    Both have normal marks for something of this age.Both seem to be right handed.
    No cracks in either stock. Can't tell you anymore,no gun to fit them on to measure from.
    Located in Pa.

    Attached Files:

    cl3 likes this.
  2. Hard shot

    Hard shot Member

    A person sent me a PM saying they both look like they were originally TM1 stocks ?

    I really don't know other than what I was told. Not trying to mislead anyone.
  3. mission6222

    mission6222 Mega Poster

    What is the difference in the two stocks to adj. for the low rib (tm1) high rib (tmx) ? Any one want to chime in.
  4. A26A

    A26A Mega Poster Founding Member

    Hard shot and Mission. I'll try and remember to post a pic of both tomorrow. It is obvious to the eye via comparison
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  5. Charles E Love

    Charles E Love Mega Poster

    TM1 has a low rib barrel and a TMX has a higher rib barrel ..... about 1/4" higher.
    So both stocks as pictured with the combs set higher, were set up for a TMX ..... Lower the combs to use with a TM1.
    What is OVERALL length of each stock?

    Then anyone with a TM1 or TMX can compare to the stock on their gun and get an approximate LOP.
    My TM1 has a 14.70" LOP and the stock overall length is 16.90"
  6. cl3

    cl3 Mega Poster Founding Member

    The lower stock is a Fajen Adjustable Trap Stock. In the 80s I had one made for an 870 Competition. They were $425 back then.
    Hope this helps.
    Merry Christmas,
  7. A26A

    A26A Mega Poster Founding Member

    I guess I was thinking I could tell the difference because I was able to see true height by sighting along the comb from the rear. However, these are only somewhat informative pics. The one with the RECVR is a TMX Special and obviously looks higher sighted from the rear. The fancier of the other two is also a TMX, the other appears to be TM1. IMG_4822.jpg IMG_4823.jpg
  8. Charles E Love

    Charles E Love Mega Poster

    Hard shot SEZ
    Looks like you need to sell "deal" stocks one at time,,,,,,No one needs BOTH a 1950's Fajen stock and a short LOP Perazzi stock .....I'd male offer on short LOP stock when you reply to this thread
  9. cl3

    cl3 Mega Poster Founding Member

    The Fajen Adj. Trap Stocks were made in the 80s. I believe the first one was made for Steve Carmichael.
    These are very nice stocks.
  10. Hard shot

    Hard shot Member

    I have sale for the top stock, so the fajen stock is still for sale
  11. Hard shot

    Hard shot Member

    Both stocks are gone...............