Alfermann vs Alfermann Silver Dollar Special

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by thebigski, Oct 7, 2021.

  1. thebigski

    thebigski Well-Known Member

    Can someone compare/contrast these two models?

    Clearly both from the same makers but I don’t understand the differences and reason for more than one type.


  2. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Merlyn would be best at answering this but my understanding is the SIlver Dollar Specials were custom ordered by the Silver Dollar gun Club. They were chromed black, and featured higher ribs and some of the ribs were interchangeable. The receiver is the Mohawk style, where the rib continued down the back of the receiver and ended at the stock. A few standard Alfermann's also were built as Mohawk but the majority are "Bald". They have a special log on the receiver bottom and may have had custom serial numbers for that lot (about 50).
    I may have gotten some of these wrong but I believe that is the bulk of it.
  3. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Jaquas currently has one of each for sale.

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    The boys made 60 of the Silver Dollar Specials for Bill Jacobsen. I am sure Merelyn of one of the boys will get all of the correct information out here for you'all
  5. thebigski

    thebigski Well-Known Member


    Thanx for the info!

  6. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

    Who is Bill Jacobsen ?
  7. Billy

    Billy Mega Poster

    Owner and founder of the Silver Dollar Gun Club
    In Odessa Florida
    Storeman likes this.
  8. 99PLUS

    99PLUS Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Silver Dollar Shooters Club is now owned by a corporation out of Chicago, Ill.
    Storeman likes this.

    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    I have a Silver Dollar Special For Sale (99% Cond.)--60/40 or 70/30, depending on YOUR adjustment. With Aluminum case.--Right hand offset--$5850.00 SHIPPED.
    In Phoenix now, will be in Montana after the 29th.
    IMG_3268.JPG IMG_3269.JPG IMG_3271.JPG
  10. Trapcountry

    Trapcountry Active Member

    The Silver Dollar Special was, for lack of a better word, a downmarket more affordable version of the Alfermann SBT.
    Lower end OEM wood. Mechanically the same.
    Run of about 50 guns for one dealer.