A person I know went to buy a new gun, the make, model , serial # & caliber had to be entered before he could make out the 4473--the info on the gun goes to the ATF--WTF. !!!!
They changed the 4473 form so the 'buyer' could see that part of the form 'filled out'. That was the second change to try and keep some 'dealers' from adding firearms to the form that wasn't purchased by that person. The first attempt was adding the number of firearms purchased below the description, but that could still be done unknown to the 'buyer'. When you sign the form now, it is harder to dispute what or how many you purchased in that transaction.
The info on the gun does not go to the ATF. Only handgun or long gun is asked and number to transfer when doing the check online or by phone.
The info on the gun is registered with the FBI and ATF I know, a dealer shipped me a gun direct. ATF called and it was a shit storm.
Where on the 4473 form did you include your phone number ????? If you didn't fill one out that would also be a moot point ...... If the "dealer" didn't do a 'proper transfer', how does the "ATF" have the firearm "registered" ????????
You enter your phone number and email address on all 4473 forms, at least here in Texas. If the dealer didn't do a proper transfer, he's in deep shit when the audit comes around.
There had to be an audit to get the ATF involved in the transaction. Or, it may have been the "dealer" was trying to fix their mistake, and made contact with the ATF about the transaction. Where on the 4473 form are you entering your "phone number and email address" ?????
Dealer wasn't trying to fix anything. Pull up the new form and you'll see the entry's for the info. I'm not going to argue with you. You do what ya want to. Yu get the ATF involved with a transaction you won't like it.
Well I help out at my buddies gunshop and have run several 4473 forms on the computer and there is no box asking for serial numbers, phone numbers or the name of the gun on the NICS background check website.
ljutic329 You are wrong the 4473 form you fill out stays with the dealer, when the dealer calls the FBI check system it is just to see if you can legally own a gun, the FBI system asks the dealer if you are buying a long gun or a hand gun, that info is not given to the ATF, The FBI, or the CIA for that matter. You might not even buy a gun but in any event no way does the FBI know if you did or didn't they just give the dealer the right to sell you one. The only way the ATF gets involved is after the fact if the gun is needed to be traced for a crime. Then the ATF tracks down the gun to the buyer through the dealer through the jobber. I had an FFL gun business for 12 years and worked for Beretta for 19 so I am very confident in my info to you. Now some states are more restrictive but not the ATF, FBI rules with the 4473. .
I don't have to "pull up" new 4473 forms, I have them. I am not trying to "argue" with anyone. My thing is people need to know correct information, period. There is way too much 'Bubba says' firearm purchase information in cyber-land.
A DEALER SHIPPED ME A GUN DIRECT Are you a FFL holder? Meaning, do you have your own FFL? If not, the first sentence I typed in caps just might be the reason you had a problem. Just sayin......
TRUE story. happened in South Carolina, and I thought NY State was bad ? You know you are being watched when the ATF shows up on your doorstep because some dumb ass county clerk tells them you have DANGEROUS guns. AS this dumb assed goofball clerk told me: Mr. ******, " I knows thems guns you have are dangerous, I watches TV" When I asked him to repeat that so others could hear it, the fool repeated it word for word. you should have seen the look on his face when I showed up at his office and asked to see the clerk and HIS BOSS. Boss chewed that guy's ass out, and made him aware that he will never do that again. White guy was boss who owned guns too. Shit, the only thing dangerous about these would be the fact they would blow up with modern ammo.