Think about this guys--prior to any competition, -each member of a squad should be allowed to shoot "one" non score able target, to get the rust out prior to shooting for score, at small clubs with no practice field, the arthritis takes hold real quick, while you're waiting to shoot
You used to be able to shoot your gun prior to starting the first field. no target was in the air the shot was just to make sure the gun was operational. That ended years ago. Roger C.
Imagine what the cost if every shooter on every squad got a free target on an annual basis ... If that is what they want add 1 Dollar to each round to pay for the machine, the puller, loader, and target and see how bad the shooters really do not want that ... Targets cost money ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
in international, they just pull the trigger into the air. +1 on 1 target costing a range. heck in skeet, skeet freaks ask for a gimmie just to look at them. they ask for a high low AND DOUBLE. AND.... they have the nerve to ask for it for all 4 games in a 100 bird match! i wont do that on my range. trap gets a show me bird before starting to make sure the house is on. but nothing is shot. if anyone wanted me to vote on the idea the OP vote no.
I remember shooting at the Ground before I started shooting the Program, to be sure the Trapgun was OK, No Target Thrown, No waste. GB........................................DLS
Straight from the 2021 ATA rule book...... 5. For each squad, the shooter who has been assigned to start on post 1 is designated the “Squad Leader”. If post 1 is empty, the role of the Squad Leader passes to the shooter assigned to start on post 2, and so on. The Squad Leader has the following duties: a. After all squad members are present at their assigned positions on the trap field, the Squad Leader should ascertain that all squad members are ready to begin the sub-event. After doing so, the Squad Leader only may ask that target(s) be thrown for the squad’s observation. For regular 16-yard Singles and Handicap sub-events, the Squad Leader may ask for one (1) target only. For regular Doubles sub-events, the Squad Leader may ask for one (1) pair of Doubles. For Shoot-offs in 16-yard Singles and Handicap events, the Squad Leader may ask for two (2) targets. For Shoot-offs in Doubles events, the Squad Leader may ask for two (2) pairs of Doubles. b. If the target(s) thrown for observation are broken, irregular, or illegal, the Squad Leader may ask that another target (or pair of Doubles as applicable) be thrown. The squad has the right to see a legal target (or legal pair of Doubles as applicable) before commencing the subevent.
I'm talking about a club shoot--not registered--most clubs that shoot register, have a practice field- I like to shoot 3 targets on the post I will start out, even if I'm required to pay for a full game
"CLUB SHOOT", not registered ..? So you are saying the "CLUB" gets targets for free so everybody and their Brother can see "ONE" ..? If you are willing to pay why not buy a round and shoot 1 on each post to scratch your itch, then the club will have an extra 20 targets to waste in case someone wants to see an extra one ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Now that smoking pot is legal in many states there are a lot of ideas floating to the top and being exposed that just never got discussed before ... Clubs will soon be required to give Drug tests to make sure everyone is on a level playing field ... I think they should only count the birds that are hit (broken) and just ignore the ones that are missed except in the shoot offs ... In club shoots you only have to pay for the targets you break all others are freebies ... Where is that suggestion Box again ..? WPT ... (YAC) ...
Well in all seriousness that is what practice traps are for. I have been to a club where they shortened practice trap before a shoot down to 5 targets at the station(s) of your choice at a reduced price( about 50%) of a full round. It speeded up the practice trap waiting line. Surely that would work rather than disrupt the flow of a shoot by having practice time at the start of the event for each squad? Many shooters such as myself are quite content to start the event "cold" as you call it and if I need to know my gun will go bang I can test it with a snap cap after I assemble it.
Ask history Buff when this was the norm. We would shoot into the ground out in front and to the side of the trap house. I can't believe I'm the only one to remember this. The ATA stopped this action for safety reasons. Roger C.