WTB K80 28” Step Ribbed Carrier Barrel

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by SUPERX, May 11, 2021.


    SUPERX Member

    Interested in buying K80 28” Step Ribbed Carrier Barrel with or without tubes
  2. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    My brother has one he wants to sell...
    Still want one?
    Paul in Virginia

    SUPERX Member

    Paul sent you private conversation
  4. Brad

    Brad Active Member

    Is this still available?
  5. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    Sent PM.
  6. Willie

    Willie Active Member Founding Member

  7. Willie

    Willie Active Member Founding Member

    If this barrel is still available, please get back to me so thatI may proceed for possible purchase when I find out the condition and price. Thank you.
  8. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    PM sent with pix and info
  9. Willie

    Willie Active Member Founding Member

    Thanks for the pictures, but I am looking for what you describe as a 28 inch STEP rib carrier barrel. Such shown is not stepped, but considered to be a flat rib. Also I thought that I was getting info on the 28 inch barrel only, not including Briley tubes.
  10. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    The original guy posted a WTB for a "step-rib" 28" carrier barrel.
    A carrier barrel can ONLY be shot with tubes, not a 12g shell.
    Krieghoff does NOT make a 28" step rib (trap) barrel.

    The skeet tube set carrier barrels ALL have this tapered ramp rib.
  11. Willie

    Willie Active Member Founding Member

    Thanks for getting back to me. Regular k32 and k80 barrels can be made to accept tubes therefore the barrel is called a carrier barrel for those tubes and still can shoot 12 gauge loads when tubes are removed. Also there are barrels that have been overbored to lighten them and then accept tubes; mainly done to have the bored barrel and tubes when inserted to weigh nearly the same as a standard 12 gauge barrel. I always call this overbored carrier barrel to be a “true carrier barrel.”

    Krieghoff (k32) and the later k80 did make some 12 gauge, 28”, step rib barrels. I know because I have one and was looking to buy a second barrel to make a “true carrier barrel.

    Good luck with barrel and tubes.
  12. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    I think if you check with Briley,you will learn that what you wrote is NOT correct.
  13. Willie

    Willie Active Member Founding Member

    I don’t have to check with Briley. With a true carrier barrel why do you think you can not shoot 12 gauge - the barrel has been bored out to lighten the barrel which now is thinner. A regular carrier barrel that will shoot 12 gauge and take tubes to shoot 20, 28 gauge and 410 bore.

    l also have a true carrier barrel with tubes and it is marked on the outside of the barrel “do not shoot 12 gauge”. The barrel is lighter.

    I think you should call Briley. I
  14. Prostock T/A

    Prostock T/A Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Krieghoff did make 28" tapered step rib barrels that look just like the 30 and 32" trap versions, they were called live bird barrels and were fixed choke on the early ones and later on factory screw chokes were available. I own examples of both. The fixed choke version would make a great carrier barrel, extremely light in weight even before boring for carrier bbl
  15. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    Please explain to "Willie" that a "CARRIER" barrel CANNOT shoot a 12g shell.
    A barrel, of course ,can be back-bored/lightened, still able to shoot a 12g shell,but is NOT a carrier barrel!
    Not sure what he is looking for, other than an argument.
    Paul in Virginia
    mpolans likes this.
  16. Huntin'Fool

    Huntin'Fool Mega Poster

    I have one that is a shootable 12 ga barrel with fixed Cyl with sub gauge tubes in 20,28,.410
  17. Prostock T/A

    Prostock T/A Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Paul I agree with your definition. Sounds like HF has what he wants and he is a good guy to deal with Willie
  18. buzzman

    buzzman Active Member

    Have a 29 inch step-rib barrel,that could be bored out to exceot tubes,brand new condition,if interested u can call me 508-728-7899,my name is Buzz.